Yamaha 650 Twin Klub Nederland Yamaha 650 Twin Klub Nederland Yamaha 650 Twin Klub Nederland Yamaha 650 Twin Klub Nederland

De Yamaha 650 Twin Klub Nederland is een vereniging van bezitters van de enige klassiek Japanse Engelsman met karakter. Een veelzijdige club waarin iedereen in het bezit van een Yamaha 650 staande twin, zich thuis kan voelen.


Last update : 03-09-2014

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Special thanks to 

  • Ryuichi Tsukagoshi of the Japanese TX owners club for supplying scans of the catalogs on the TX 650 models for the Japanese market
  • Geoff Young for supplying scans of the catalogs on the models for the Australian and New Zealand market
  • Shigeharu Maruhashi of Yamaha Motor Company, Iwata, Japan for supplying some rare XS and TX 650 catalogs
  • Christian Blank, Germany, for supplying some rare XS brochures
Aankondiging model 256 / XS1 in Yamaha News van oktober 1969
Aankondiging model 256 / XS1 in Yamaha News van december 1969
Model 256 / XS 1 1970, kleur Candy Green
(scans van negatieven; originele folder in het archief van Weekblad Motor)



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Model 256 / XS 1 1970, kleur Candy Green fol256_midori_1.jpg (18639 bytes) fol256_midori_2.jpg (25653 bytes) fol256_midori_3.jpg (21267 bytes)
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Model 256 / XS 1 1970, kleur Candy Green
MCL 45.1x15
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Model 256 / XS 1 1970, kleur Candy Green, 36,5 x 25,8 XS1_0001.jpg (314066 bytes) XS1_0003.jpg (339165 bytes) XS1_0002.jpg (203077 bytes) XS1_0004.jpg (223176 bytes)
Model 256 / XS 1 1970, kleur Candy Green Fol1_big.jpg (1268247 bytes) images/folders/Xs1fr.jpg (50597 bytes)
Model 256 / XS 1B 1970, kleur Candy Orange
46 .1-3S-B-1
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Model 256 / XS 1B 1970, kleur Candy Orange Fol1b_big.jpg (1348083 bytes) fol256_midori_4.jpg (31204 bytes) fol-xs1b add.jpg (884589 bytes)
Model 256 / XS 1F 1970, kleur Candy Orange images/folders/fol1F_1.jpg (193554 bytes) images/folders/fol1F_2.jpg (157725 bytes) images/folders/fol1F_3.jpg (172779 bytes) images/folders/fol1F_4.jpg (223441 bytes)
Model 306 / XS 2, 1971, kleur Pearl Yellow Gold


images/folders/fol2_1.jpg (115271 bytes) images/folders/fol2_2.jpg (171990 bytes) images/folders/fol2_3.jpg (191552 bytes) images/folders/fol2_4.jpg (266199 bytes)
Model 306 / XS 2, 1971, kleur Brilliant Red
images/folders/fol2_5.jpg (118487 bytes) images/folders/fol2_6.jpg (178861 bytes) images/folders/fol2_7.jpg (208949 bytes) images/folders/fol2_8.jpg (266205 bytes)
Model 306 / XS 2, 1971, kleur Brilliant Red
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Model 306 / XS 2, 1971, kleur Brilliant Red
LIT 11112-56-02
fol2_13.jpg (518926 bytes) fol2_14.jpg (514725 bytes) fol2_15.jpg (530047 bytes) fol2_16.jpg (486464 bytes)
Model 306 / XS 650 E 1971, kleur Pearl Yellow Gold /  Brilliant Red
(for Japanse market only)
fol306_midori_1.jpg (25489 bytes) fol306_midori_2.jpg (33353 bytes) fol306_midori_3.jpg (37941 bytes)
fol306_midori_4.jpg (40271 bytes) fol306_midori_5.jpg (56692 bytes) fol306_midori_6.jpg (41435 bytes)
Model 366 / TX 650, 1973, kleur Metal Flake Blue

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Model 366/ TX 650, 1973, kleur  Metal Flake Blue

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Model 366 / TX 650, 1973, kleur Pearl Yellow Gold / Metal Flake Blue

47,9 x 30
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Model 366 / TX 650, 1973, kleur Pearl Yellow Gold / Metal Flake Blue, 37,5 x 26,7, from folder for Yamaha dealers with many other models TX650_01.jpg (329464 bytes) TX650_02.jpg (312530 bytes)
Model 366 / TX 650, 1973, kleur  Metal Flake Blue
fol366-9.jpg (301427 bytes) fol366-10.jpg (197875 bytes)
Model 366 / TX 650, 1973, kleur  Metal Flake Blue


fol366_11.JPG (1866577 bytes) fol366_12.JPG (971718 bytes)
Model 447 / TX 650A, 1973, kleur Cinnamon Brown en Vegas Green Lit 031015 fol447A_1.jpg (80536 bytes) fol447A_4.jpg (103823 bytes) fol447A_3.jpg (112144 bytes) fol447A_2.jpg (111815 bytes)
Model 447 / TX 650 [for Japanese Market], 1973, kleur Cinnamon Brown  images/folders/6501a.jpg (21220 bytes) images/folders/6501b.jpg (22485 bytes) images/folders/6501c.jpg (27265 bytes) images/folders/6501d.jpg (19171 bytes)
Model 447 / TX 650 A, 1974, kleur Cinnamon Brown images/folders/fol447_1.jpg (122237 bytes) images/folders/fol447_2.jpg (180853 bytes) images/folders/fol447_3.jpg (243235 bytes) images/folders/fol447_4.jpg (181818 bytes)
Model 447 / TX 650 [for Japanese Market], 1975, kleur Cinnamon Brown images/folders/6501ba.jpg (16248 bytes) images/folders/6501bb.jpg (12786 bytes) images/folders/6501bc.jpg (22669 bytes) images/folders/6501bd.jpg (13687 bytes)
Model 447 / XS 650 A/B, 1974, kleur Star Black images/folders/fol447B_1.jpg (167105 bytes) images/folders/fol447B_2.jpg (183865 bytes) images/folders/fol447B_3.jpg (245386 bytes) images/folders/fol447B_4.jpg (191399 bytes)
Model 447 / XS 650 B, 1974, kleur Star Black / Spanish Burgundy Metallic

Lit 0301046 49.8x30

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Model 533 / XS 650, 1975, kleur
Star Black
images/folders/fol533_1.jpg (237705 bytes) images/folders/fol533_2.jpg (196533 bytes) images/folders/fol533_3.jpg (231436 bytes) images/folders/fol533_4.jpg (206324 bytes)
Model 533 / XS 650, 1975, kleur
Star Black

uit Franse folder met  alle modellen 1975

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Model 584 / TX 650 II [For Japanese market], 1975, kleur Star Black / Brilliant Red images/folders/6502a.jpg (19453 bytes) images/folders/6502b.jpg (26092 bytes) images/folders/6502c.jpg (23047 bytes) images/folders/6502d.jpg (23084 bytes)
Model 584 / XS 650 C, 1976, kleur Brilliant Red / French Blue

Lit 031070 50.8x10
XS650C_0001.jpg (264356 bytes) XS650C_0002.jpg (235582 bytes) XS650C_0003.jpg (219187 bytes) XS650C_0004.jpg (258095 bytes)
Model 584 / XS 650 C, 1976, kleur Brilliant Red / French Blue

Lit 031070 50.8x10
fol584_1.jpg (207176 bytes) fol584_2.jpg (357402 bytes) fol584_3.jpg (228517 bytes)
Model 584 / XS 650 C, 1976, kleur Brilliant Red / French Blue


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Model 584 / XS 650 C, 1976, kleur Brilliant Red / French Blue 
For Canada


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Model 1E1 / XS 650 C, 1976, kleur Silver Dust / Star Black / Brilliant Red

Lit 032048/50 12x138
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Model 1E1 / XS 650 C, 1976, kleur Silver Dust / Star Black

Introductie folder Mitsui GMBH Deutschland

fol533_8.jpg (121871 bytes)

fol533_9.jpg (122929 bytes)
Model 1T3 / TX 650 III [for Japanese market], 1977, kleur
Maxi Maroon / Bountifull Blue
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Model 1T3 / XS 650 D, 1977, kleur
Maxi Maroon / Bountifull Blue

Advertentie Motorcyclist, May 1977

fol1T3_1.jpg (290828 bytes) fol1T3_2.jpg (279192 bytes)
Model 1T3 / XS 650 D, 1977, kleur
Maxi Maroon / Bountifull Blue

28,2 x 21,7

XS650_D_usa_02.jpg (724808 bytes) XS650_D_usa_01.jpg (243413 bytes)
Model 1T3 / XS 650 D, 1977, kleur
Maxi Maroon / Bountifull Blue

LIT 3MC-01-09002-77EF 9x3

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Model 1T3 / XS 650 D, 1977, kleur
Maxi Maroon / Bountifull Blue

LIT 11037-00-52

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Model 1U3 / XS 650, 1977, kleur
Bountiful Blue

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Model 1U3 / XS 650, 1978, kleur
Yamaha Black / Vintage Burgundy

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Model 1U3 / XS 650, 1978, kleur
Yamaha Black / Vintage Burgundy


adv1U3_2.jpg (523086 bytes)
Model 2F0 / XS 650 E, 1978, kleur Star Black / Spruce Green Metallic

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Model 2F0 / XS 650 E, 1978, kleur Star Black / Spruce Green Metallic

LIT-3MC-0105027-78E 52,9 x 20

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Model 1T3 / TX 650  [for Japanese market] , 1979, kleur ?
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Model 1U3 / XS 650, 1979, kleur
Yamaha Black / Maxi Maroon

BK 53.9x59
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Model 1U3 / XS 650, 1979, kleur
Yamaha Black
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Model 1U3 / XS 650, 1980, kleur
Brilliant Red

BK 54.9x68
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Model 1U3 / XS 650, 1981, kleur
Brilliant Red

(CFG) 56,12 x 19D1
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Model 2F0 / XS 650, 1979, kleur Cobalt Blue


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Model 2M0 / XS 650 SE, 1978, kleur
Vintage Burgundy

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Model 2M0 / XS 650 SE, 1978, kleur
Vintage Burgundy


XS650SE_01.jpg (208473 bytes) XS650SE_02.jpg (510802 bytes) XS650SE_03.jpg (522254 bytes) XS650SE_04.jpg (678902 bytes)
Model 2M0 / XS 650 SF, 1979, kleur
Black Gold / Carmin Red


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Model 3L1 / XS 650 SE, 1979, kleur
Black Gold


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Model 3L1 / XS 650 SE, 1979, kleur
Black Gold
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Model 3G0 / XS 650G 1980, kleur
Black gold


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Model 3G1 / XS 650 SG, 1980, kleur
New Yamaha Black
images/folders/fol3G1_2.jpg (137236 bytes) images/folders/fol3G1_7.jpg (200703 bytes)
Model 3N0 / XS 650 2F, 1979, kleur New Yamaha Black


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Model 3G5 / XS 650 P, 1980, kleur
New Midnight Blue / Vintage Burgundy
[for Japanese market only]


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Model 3U6 / XS 650 SG, 1980, kleur
New Yamaha Black


fol3U6-1.jpg (154678 bytes) fol3U6-3.jpg (292748 bytes) fol3U6-2.jpg (275372 bytes) fol3U6-4.jpg (247177 bytes)
3W6 Model / XS 650 SG, 1980, kleur
Cardinal red

LIT-3MC-0105080-80E 10 x 15

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fol3W6_2.jpg (222999 bytes)
Model 4E3 / TX 650  1980, kleur
Black Red;
Model 4E4 / XS 650 Special, 1980, kleur Black Red
[for Japanese market only]
fol4E3_4E4_1.jpg (168445 bytes) fol4E3_4E4_2.jpg (164631 bytes) fol4E3_4E4_5.jpg (171617 bytes)
fol4E3_4E4_3.jpg (238745 bytes) fol4E3_4E4_4.jpg (226615 bytes) fol4E3_4E4_6.jpg (170190 bytes)
Model 4E3 / TX 650  1980, kleur
Black Red; [for Japanese market only]


fol4E3_7.jpg (943847 bytes) fol3G5_3.jpg (1265629 bytes) fol3G5_6.jpg (1020491 bytes)
Model 4E4 / XS 650 Special, 1980, kleur Black Red
[for Japanese market only]
fol4E4_Jap_1.jpg (210243 bytes) fol4E4_Jap_2.jpg (304508 bytes)
4G7 Model / XS 650 SE, 1980, kleur
New Ruby Red

LIT-3MC-0107444-80D 55.3x9

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Model 4M4 / XS 650 SH, 1981, kleur
New Yamaha Black


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Model 4N9 / XS 650 H, 1981, kleur
New Yamaha Black


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Model 4N9 / XS 650 H, 1981, kleur
New Yamaha Black


Fol4N9_big.jpg (1749776 bytes)

Model 4T6 / XS 650 SH, 1981, kleur
New Yamaha Black / Frost Silver

LIT-3MC-0105107-81E (CX01) 55,12 x 20

fol4T6_1.jpg (208841 bytes) fol4T6_2.jpg (243127 bytes)
Model 5E6 / XS 650 SP, 1981, kleur
Sapphire Blue / New Yamaha Black

(CXG1)56,1x 90.5D1

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Model 5E6 / XS 650 SP, 1981, kleur
New Yamaha Black
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Model 5E6 / XS 650, 1982, kleur
New Yamaha Black / Cardinal Red
LIT-3MC-0107582-82BK (CXG2) 56,12 x 12D1
fol5E6_9.jpg (113661 bytes) fol5E6_11.jpg (251468 bytes) fol5E6_12.jpg (204327 bytes) fol5E6_13.jpg (180695 bytes)
Model 5V4 / XS 650 J, 1982, kleur
New Yamaha Black


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Model 5V4 / XS 650 K, 1983 kleur
New Yamaha Black


fol5V4_5.jpg (184664 bytes) fol5V4_6.jpg (319695 bytes) fol5V4_7.jpg (258905 bytes) fol5V4_8.jpg (267921 bytes)
Model 5V5 / XS 650 SK, 1983, kleur
New Yamaha Black / New Ruby Red
Heritage 650_01.jpg (562033 bytes) Heritage 650_02.jpg (177561 bytes) Heritage 650_03.jpg (407476 bytes) Heritage 650_04.jpg (386107 bytes)
Model 5V5 / XS 650, 1984, kleur
New Yamaha Black / Legato Maroon

images/folders/fol5V5_1.jpg (164533 bytes) images/folders/fol5V5_2.jpg (170268 bytes) images/folders/fol5V5_4.jpg (209335 bytes) images/folders/fol5V5_3.jpg (198629 bytes)

(Gescand met Umax Powerlook II, Canon Canoscan 2700F, Canon MPC600 en Epson Stlus Photo PX810FW)


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Heiden Tuning Amersfoort